martes, 19 de enero de 2010

spiritual strengh in god. part 1.

the abnegation is an feeling that move an sacrifice of the own affectionate or interest in service of god or for good of fellow man,also is the rejection of one life egocentric or the exaltation exaggerated of the own person.
the greater example of abnegation the we find in jesus who to weight of his conditions divines come to the earth manage his grace for the humanity and by love to we having all the privilege the undone for with his sacrifice to make rich our lifes,2 corinthians 8-9.
is the ambit of the abnegation the that us carry to find the thoughts of christ,as his behavior before the magnitude of his mission declare not only his pre-existence.jhon,17.5,proverbs 8.23,if not also the desire of his heart for to save humanity philiphians 2.7,we not we are pre-existents but yes servants,to catch up with in the abnegation that christ suggest is not easy,but if is one strengh spiritual important or one source of the power in the life christian.

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