martes, 10 de mayo de 2011


the preaching before that any other thing is an message of hope where the kingdom of god should to take vigence in the heart human,the purpose of gospel is to change hearts really and give to know how the same christ is an reality to salvation since an pursuit real and constant in the world spiritual.
now if he look since the old gospel the preaching was infocus in the judment,ezekiel 20-46,amos 7-16,too exist an message of forgiveness,isaias 40.1-2,9,but when appear christ the message biblical he drive since the sacrifice of jesus,is say that for the days moderns the forgiveness,the hope and the judment of old gopsel even have vigence but the more real and powerfull is the cross of christ.
in the new gospel when appear the good new of kingdom luke 9-2,exist an responsibility over evevry preacher not only speak the word too give movement and action to it supernatural,the purpose of the cross is precisely this,delivery to human being the reality and the power of kingdom of the heaven supernaturally.
the same bible make emphasis in this,the law and the prophets were as far as jhon,and afirm,since then the kingdom of the heaven is anounced and everything he efforts to enter in it,luke 16-16,note how the same bible speak of two epoch in the road to god,now the same paul speak in his preaching in mileto of the same that write luke in his letter or gospel,acts 20-25,paul not speak of an law or an prophecy exactly,speak of an kingdom,perhaps actually exist many preacher speaking of the content biblique,maybe not exist in the mind of leader modern that for to preach of kingdom of the heaven is necessary to live in it how was the road of other preachers,jesus,peter,jhon,timothy,paul felipe and many most.
many trade seculars have this process,if an singer want delivery his message needed an preparation in the site where he form singers,if is an lawyer too,if is an architect too,if we were called to an kingdom spiritual not natural or secular our responsibility and road is enter in the site where he form preachers for the kingdom of the heaven,some believe that to preach is repeat it that say the bible,but if he go to place where lived the master of the preachers we find that the true preacher formed in christ saying it that the same master want to teach to travez of holly spirit.
in every leader modern should exist an though constant,jesuchrist is the lord,2 corinthinas 4-5,and that there is an message that he convert in powerful when we are habitants in the presence of the savior,1 corinthians 2.1-2,note how these 2 concepts over the preaching are the basis strong of grow ministerial and the link spiritual that all leader christian should not only to have some times if not that should to live really and daily.
if not is so manyy preachers giving to his auditory some description of the bible but without christ,but the part more impressive of the preaching is the resurrection of the dead because there he find keeped the mistery and the reality of kingdom of the heaven,1 corinthians 15-14,now when exist inclinations to preach without the resurrection the faith can be vain and many even living in his sins,1 corinthians 15-17.

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