viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

access to god. part 10.

growth in humility is an active catalyst of the divine presence is as if it will activate a motor to achieve a desired route,es the touch of spirit to our soul as we understand that humility end the invocation added to turn from sin and produce health god is attention to our pleas,2 chronicles.7.14.
on the other hand never have to say the god does not hear or not our petitions pending for 2 things inmediately deny our faith and its existence at the same time,so the other fuel also acceptable in the sight of god is the distress or discomfort in the heart of man by events or prevailing conditions contrary to good life of human beings other than god or that walk set in,2 kings 13.4.
when there is spiritual maturity in our life will come to the pact,is the time our hearing should be the conduit for the life of our soul,the pact will live forever and in the field of government that best exprimentaron as was the case of king david,thereafter there is only one predominant behavior in our lives go on. isaiah 55.3.

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