martes, 12 de enero de 2010

ACCESS TO GOD. part 7.

another fundamental basis for access to god is obedience represented in holiness,pure heart, a disregard for the vain things,turing from deceit and false words or oaths,psalm 24.3-5,this discipline is achieved when you live apart for god and prevents comtamination of the things and attitudes that surround him,matew 6-6.
after allowing such behavior or daily practice we find that the next step is to pray to the father and who has seen our sincere and holy behavior we reward,as the notes always our most intimate secrets.
time ago i found that the same environment can hinder our behavior iglesial in god, for when the cafes and things that come from the environment becomes increasingly important iglesial our desire for a life of prayer goes out to fill because we believe that the other requirement is sufficient.

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